Monday, March 5, 2018

Expanded Storage!!


Yes, I decided to spend some of my gems and buy two more expansions for my collection storage. People had suggested I do this after I posted on the GW2 forums. I looked at what it might take to craft some ascended pieces, and you need soooo many mats it's ridiculous. So, having storage at 1000 per item rather than 500 is a necessity.

With that change, my gold making has dried up al lot. All the crafting mats over 500 that I used to sell are now just getting deposited. So, I only went up about 25g this week. 14g from daily, and then the other from doing some World Bosses and selling gear drops, vendoring greens and blues over 1s in value, and from doing lots of Hearts.

Talking about lots of Hearts, I've been doing map completion on Rangerbrit. She's got to 92% completion. She started off finishing the home cities and then got to work on the low level zones. She's now only got some of Fireheart Rise, Iron Marshes, and Blazeridge Steppes, and then some of Straits of Dev, Malchor's Leap, and Cursed Shore to go. Here she is this morning, doing some Fireheart Rise.

Fireheart Rise
I also worked on crafting a bit this week. I got Rangerbrit's Huntsman to 352. But now I need a lot more mithril and wood, so getting to 400 is going to have to wait. Oh, I looked into leveling Jeweler too, but that requires Globs of Ectoplasm. I started salvaging exotics, but then realized I could just buy them on the TP, and sell the exotics on the TP. As a test, I bought 10 for 18s11c each. I now have 20.

Gold: 180g 23s
Gems: 2048

Blondybrit (Norn/Warrior) Level 80

Map: 100% Bags: 8/8/12/15 Crafts: Armorsmith 230 Weaponsmith 408
Rangerbrit (Human/Ranger) Level 80
Map: 67% Bags: 8/8/8/8 Crafts: Huntsman 352 Jeweler 379
Asurabrit (Asura/Elementalist) Level 59
Map: 26% Bags: 8/8/8/10 Crafts: Chef 252 Tailor 273
Mesmerbrit (Sylvari/Mesmer) Level 80
Map: 37% Bags: 8/8/8/12 Crafts: Artificer 300
CharrlyBrit (Charr/Engineer) Level 51
Map: 29% Bags: 8/8/8/8 Crafts: Leatherworker 152
Silvybrit (Sylvari/Warrior) Level 80
Map: 66% Bags: 8/8/8/12 Crafts: None
Necrobrit (Asura/Necromancer) Level 51
Map: 25% Bags: 8/8/8/8 Crafts: None
Roverbrit (Sylvari/Ranger) Level 80
Map: 42% Bags: 8/8/8/12 Crafts: None

That's it for this week, I should get to 100% on Rangerbrit this week, and start working on my other 2 level 80s map completion.


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