Monday, March 26, 2018

Rich Iron Vein Farming!!


I've found a Rich Iron Vein that's good for farming on my eight characters. You probably all know about it anyway, but I found it in Diessa Plateau. I've now got 7 of my 8 characters stationed there, and get Roverbrit there every morning. They all mine it and get between 12-16 Iron Ore each. Iron Ore sells instantly for about 1s85c->2s each, so this usually brings in about 2g per day extra, for about 15 minutes of work.

Rich Iron Vein
It's just north west of Oldgate waypoint in Diessa Plateau, as you can see from the mini map in the picture. You need to fight some Flame Legion to get there, but nothing tough at all.

I've just been doing more Map Completion on Roverbrit. She's got to 89% now, and has nearly finished every zone except for the Ruins of Orr area. I've got 1000 Platinum Ore now, so it is being sold now too, bringing in a little more gold.

No more Fractals this week. No crafting this week either. The Gem price is still around 120g for 400 gems, so I'm still waiting for it to come down.

Gold: 279g 4s
Gems: 2048

Blondybrit (Norn/Warrior) Level 80
Map: 100% Bags: 8/8/12/15 Crafts: Armorsmith 230 Weaponsmith 408
Rangerbrit (Human/Ranger) Level 80
Map: 100% Bags: 8/8/8/8 Crafts: Huntsman 429 Jeweler 379
Asurabrit (Asura/Elementalist) Level 59
Map: 26% Bags: 8/8/8/10 Crafts: Chef 252 Tailor 273
Mesmerbrit (Sylvari/Mesmer) Level 80
Map: 37% Bags: 8/8/8/12 Crafts: Artificer 300
CharrlyBrit (Charr/Engineer) Level 51
Map: 29% Bags: 8/8/8/8 Crafts: Leatherworker 152
Silvybrit (Sylvari/Warrior) Level 80
Map: 66% Bags: 8/8/8/12 Crafts: None
Necrobrit (Asura/Necromancer) Level 51
Map: 25% Bags: 8/8/8/8 Crafts: None
Roverbrit (Sylvari/Ranger) Level 80
Map: 89% Bags: 8/8/8/12 Crafts: None

Next week, I'll continue to do the Rich Iron Ore farming, and hope to get Roverbrit's Map Completion done.

BTW: It's my birthday today!!


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